Defunct AHU Manufacturers
Over time there are many components within an AHU that can fail due to age, usage or faults. In some cases, for older units some components can become obsolete. A greater problem can come because of the original manufacturer having ceased trading, or the original manufacturer’s marks not existing.
In any of the above cases AirCraft Air Handling may be able to help, if you know the manufacturer’s name and failed component, we can assist with a non-OEM component or even possibly fabricate one for you. If you do not know the original manufacturer’s name, simply take a camera phone shot of the AHU and a close-up of the component, and email them to us.
We are fairly sure we can help, please call if you need assistance.

- Moducel
- Uniflo
- Clipper
- Pace
- Thermal Technology
- Imota
- Nordair Niche
- Jet
- Euro Air
- Holland Heating
- Robatherm
- Ozonair
- Lindab
- Lti
- Birmingham
- Airconditioning
- Mattews & Yates
- Jenks Air Handling
- Vequip
- York Borg-Warner
- PM Luft
- Metair
- Bahco