Packaged DX AHU

Where a turnkey installation is desired, generally for external roof top applications, AirCraft Air Handling can offer a packaged AHU incorporating: Controls with Condensers or Heat Pumps mounted onto the chassis frame and pre-piped to the DX coil.

PAckaged DX AHU

This approach enables minimal onsite installation, with power and ducting generally being the only requirement by the contractor.

When provided as part of combined supply and extract AHU with heat recovery, this option can offer a high-efficiency, fully electric, zero carbon at point of use, solution.

AirCraft-Air Handling AHU Standard Construction Specification

AHU Enquiry Form

Case study

St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Contact AirCraft Air Handling for Air Handling Units and Ventilation Units manufactured to your own specification and delivered on time.
