Fresh Air AHU
In situations where natural fresh air circulation presents a problem, the solution could often be the installation of a fresh air handling unit (AHU). A well-designed, FAHU can supply clean, filtered, tempered and cooled fresh air, which can be served into the building’s air ducting for distribution.

This is done by the AHU’s efficient direct drive plug fan, which draws in the air from the outside environment and then pushes it over the filters to remove dust and contaminates, heating and/or cooling as required, from either electric, LPHW, or indirect gas fired heat source, or chilled water or direct expansion cooling source.
A fresh air AHU provides one of the most economical ways of addressing the need for clean fresh air in enclosed areas like kitchens, restaurants and catering facilities.
AirCraft-Air Handling AHU Standard Construction Specification
Case Study