Project Description
The Grove Hotel
End-of-life refurbishment for 20-year-old AirCraft Air Handling AHUs.
Because of the range of environments where AirCraft Air Handling AHUs are installed, we can never forecast the exact life expectancy of the equipment we manufacture. However, over time, we frequently refurbish AHUs that AirCraft Air Handling have manufactured over the past years.
This was exactly the case at The Grove Hotel in Chandler’s Cross, Hertfordshire – a Luxury Hotel, Spa Retreat & Golf Club where AirCraft Air Handling delivered six mini vertical AHUs 20 years ago. These AHUs were specified to serve the Hotel’s bedroom suites and their task had not changed over the years. However, each of the six 20-year-old AHUs had begun to approach the end of their usable life and now required refurbishment.
We were initially approached by the Building Service Consultants, Anderson Green, who validated the existing design and confirmed what was required to bring the AHUs up-to-date and more energy-efficient.
All six mini vertical AHUs were returned to us for refurbishment and upgrading which included a full strip down and installation of a new combined heating
and cooling coil, high-efficiency direct drive EC plug fans and filters, along with a general tidy up and new replacement casework.
With the work completed, we returned all six AHUs to The Grove Hotel for Herventa Building Services Engineering to install and put into service.
We were all delighted that The Grove Hotel had experienced long-term reliability from our AHUs and pleased that the Hotel can once again benefit from having AirCraft Air Handling’s AHUs and the energy efficiencies of upgraded equipment.