Project Description
Alderley Park
Originally owned by ICI Pharmaceuticals and now under the ownership of Manchester Science Parks, Alderley Park is the UK’s largest single-site life sciences campus with world-class laboratories, providing unique facilities for drug discovery including anti-cancer treatments and development.
The park and campus host many of the world’s top scientific research organisations including Sygnature Discovery. Sygnature Discovery is a drug discovery company with expertise across a range of therapeutic and biological target classes, creating a second Integrated Drug Discovery Site at Alderley Park.
As a direct result of our previous work in manufacturing high-quality laboratory heat recovery AHUs, AirCraft Air Handling were approached by Sygnature Discovery’s M&E contractor to help with the design and manufacture of 2 substantial heat recovery AHUs. The new AHUs were required to manage the air recovering the residual heat in the extracted air, to assist in warming the intake of fresh air into the ventilation system. The equipment was also required to filter in the inbound air and chill, when needed, to ensure consistent air temperature in Sygnature Discovery’s laboratories.
The design and build specification:
- Manufacture 2 bespoke AHUs with high efficiency rotary thermal wheels
- Fresh Air Filtration
- Low Pressure Hot Water (LPHW) frost protection and reheat coils
- Chilled water air cooling coil
- Fitted with a system control panel
The systems were also manufactured to provide dual-duty points; a day 1 scenario and a day 2 scenario, where Sygnature Discovery’s ventilation requirements could be modified.
As with many of the large and supersize AHUs that AirCraft Air Handling design and manufacture, we fully assemble, test, dismantle, flat-pack and ship to the site, for our experienced engineers to assemble and test with the on-site services and ventilation equipment in place, prior to hand over.