Have you a problem with an aging air handling unit (AHU), or just want to keep your end-of-life AHU running for a few more years? AirCraft Air Handling might just be able to help.
An old, even plus 35-years-old, AHU may still work, but it is more likely to breakdown and require new parts. These parts might not be available from the original manufacturer, either because they no longer produce parts for that AHU, or the manufacturer themselves are no longer in business.
It is possible that you may also not be able to see the manufacturer’s markings anymore. So, an easy way to establish if we can help is to use your phone to photograph the failing part. Simply send the image to us by email to info@aircraftairhandling.com. Don’t forget to tell us a little about your AHU problem and also of course your name and contact details. With this information we will quickly get back to you and confirm what options or replacement parts we can help with.
Click through to see a list of manufacturers we can source parts for: https://www.aircraftairhandling.com/services/defunct-ahu-manufacturers/
Or, contact us to see if we can help: https://www.aircraftairhandling.com/contact/